Welcome to my webpage
I am an Assistant Professor at the Departamento de Matemáticas at Universidad Andrés Bello in Santiago, Chile. I am also associated researcher of the Center of Mathematical Modeling (CMM) and adjoint researcher of the Núcleo Milenio de Información y Coordinación en Redes .
I obtained my Ph.D degree from Universidad de Chile and Charles University of Prague. My advisors were Martín Matamala and Martin Loebl .

Refereed Journal Publications
- "χ-bounded families of oriented graphs", (with P. Aboulker, J. Bang-Jensen, N. Bousquet, P. Charbit, F. Havet, F. Maffray), Accepted in Journal of Graph Theory. Preprint.
- "A new class of graphs that satisfies the Chen-Chvátal Conjecture", (with P. Aboulker, M. Matamala, P. Rochet). Journal of Graph Theory, Vol 87, 2018, p.77-88. Preprint.
- "Weighted antimagic labeling", (with M. Matamala). Discrete applied mathematics, Vol 245, 2018, p.194-201.
- "On trees with the same restricted U-polynomial and the Prouhet–Tarry–Escott problem", (with J. Aliste-Prieto and A. de Mier). Discrete Mathematics, Vol 340, June 2017, p.1435 - 1441 Preprint.
- "Injective coloring with arithmetic constraints", (with N. Astromujoff, M. Chapelle, M. Matamala and I. Todinca) . Graphs and Combinatorics, 31, 2015, p2003-2007.
- "Proper caterpillars are distinguished by their chromatic symmetric function" (with J. Aliste-Prieto).Discrete Mathematics, Vol 315–316, February 2014, p. 158–164. Preprint.
- "Forcing Large Complete (Topological) Minors in Infinite Graphs",(with M.Stein) SIAM J. Discrete Math., Vol 27, 2013, p. 697-707. Preprint.
- ''Nowhere-zero flows and even $(1,2)$-factors'',(with M. Matamala) Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol 29, 2013, p. 609-616.
- '' A New Family of Expansive Graphs", Discrete Applied Mathematics,(with M. Matamala), Vol 156, 2008, p. 1125-1131.
Conference Proceeedings
- "Graphs admitting antimagic labeling for arbitrary sets of positive integers", (with M. Matamala), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 62, (2017), p.159-164.
- "Weighted antimagic labeling: An algorithmic approach", Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 50, (2015), p.127-132.
- ''The relative degree and large complete minors in infinite graphs'',(with M. Stein) Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 37, (2011), 129-134.
- ''Degree sequence of tight graphs'', (with M. Matamala), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 35, (2009), 329-334.
- ''Nowhere-zero flows and $(1,2)$-factors'', (with M. Matamala), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 30, (2008), 279-284.
- "Packet Content Anonymization by Hiding Words",(with L. Kencl and M. Loebl) Poster Demo accepted in INFOCOM 2006.
- "A New Family of K-Divergent Graphs",(with M. Matamala), Extended Abstract appeared in proceedings of GRACO 2005, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 19 (2005).
- Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Andrés Bello
- República 498, 2º piso
- josezamora, and then, unab.cl